Weldon Eugene Stinson
1946 - 2022
Weldon Stinson
Sunrise February 18, 1946 Sunset January 24, 2022
Weldon Eugene Stinson known as “Caveman” by his family and friends, transitioned on January 24, 2022 after a brief illness.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Gladys Thacker Ewers, stepfather Winfred Ewers, sister Gwen Stimpson, and nephew, Ronald “Tootie” Stinson. He is survived by his daughter Tonya Stinson, brother Ronald L. Stinson (Betty), sister Sandra Powers step-sister Candace Ewers Carter, and nieces Stephanie “Renee” Powers, Katrina “Lynn” Mc Candies (Tony) and Michelle and Crystal Stinson.
Weldon graduated from Atkins High School and attended Winston Salem State University. He was employed as a Supervisor for Thomasville Furniture Company.
Weldon was known throughout the city of Winston Salem for his outlandish stunts and was well loved and respected in his community. He was a legend in his own right and will forever remain in the hearts and minds of everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him.
Due to the pandemic the family will have a Celebration of Life ceremony at a later date.
Growing up in Cleveland project, I knew him as (Caveman). It was no one like him. As a child I thought he was like superman cause he would get hurt go to the hospital and a hour later be back in the neighborhood like nothing happened. He was always happy. He was always nice and friendly to the kids . I will truly miss him. But a know God sent one of his angel to get him, cause he needed (Cave) to fight in his army against this evil in this 🌎. But a special man will be miss but never forgotten. Love you Caveman. Tiffany Cook-Franklin
I worked as a nurse and my husband as a paramedic during Weldon’s “spirited” days in WS. Although he was a “handful” at times, “Cave” was friendly and quickly respectful. He always spoke to us by name when we’d run into each other on the street or in restaurants over the years. Blessings to you, his family. Ron and Vickey Lewis
You Will Be Missed!! Growing up in Cleveland Projects He really was our Hero!!! Tough as Nails but had a Heart of Gold!! Those are the Treasures that we had in the Black Community that are Missed today!! May God Strengthen his Family!! We Love You All!!❤🙏🏽❤
Caveman was truly an icon of Cleveland Projects! He was the first black super hero in the hood! Lol…he brought joy to everyone in the community. We will truly miss you Weldon Eugene Stinson as known as “Caveman”!
Don’t think anyone that grew up in Cleveland Projects will forget “Caveman” RIP