Mr. John R. Gordon, Jr
1950 - 2024
Mr. John R. Gordon, Jr of Eatontown, New Jersey went to sleep on September 15, 2024. He left a family that will miss him greatly. He was preceded in slumber by his parents. He leaves to carry his legacy his wife/Best Friend Hilda “Joy” Gordon,sister: Shelia Sancho, Sons:John R. Gordon III( mother-Fran Gordon),Michael T. Gibson(LaChandra Gibson), Daughters: Allegra Suely Jackson, Lorna M. Gibson (Blas Salas), a fleet of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and a great friend since they were “pups”: Dave Keys. There will be no open service but we ask that you take moments to laugh, remember, and cherish the memories of a man who embodied so many names like best friend, Papa John, Pops, Brother, Friend,Protector, Hard worker, Educated, Entrepreneur, Sportsman, etc. Remember that through the years love grows and has no capacity to die. Thank you to all who rendered love and support.