Annah Jane S. Richardson
1928 - 2024
This is a tribute to the life of Annah Jane S. Richardson (1928-2024), who joined God, and her spouse, Peter (along with a few cats), on July 24, 2024. She is survived by her two sons, one daughter and significant other, two grandchildren, and her great-grandchildren.
Annah Jane, or known to many as GranAnnah, was a shining light in the lives of so many. She was a true pillar of our family as well as our community. She was the definition of sweetness and joy, bringing love to so many people. Our hearts hurt to see you leave, but we all know Heaven just became a better place for having you in it. She had loved greatly and lost just the same. She was a teacher in profession as well as in life. Leading us all by setting a standard with her own actions.
The hole that is now left in our lives could never be filled by anyone else, because you were truly amazing. We love and miss you. Please watch over us from up there as you did down here.