Miles "Mia" Austin McCarthy

1990 - 2025

Never were there stars, in any constellation- juxtaposed just so- to illuminate your grace, so that you yourself could see.

Miles “Mia” McCarthy was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina to Melanie Smith McCarthy and Wade McCarthy. She graduated from Weaver Academy in Greensboro, North Carolina, and went on to become a licensed massage therapist. Miles was an artist, writer, and musician.

Caring deeply for the wellbeing of others, Miles supported those in need and fiercely stood for the victimized. While Miles could salvage the best in the least of us, she could only catch glimpses of the gift she offered, in simply being herself. Miles was the essence of all that can be right with the world.

Miles is survived by her mother and stepmother (Amy Ambrosino), father, maternal grandmother (Janet Smith), paternal grandmother (Vikki McCarthy), paternal grandfather (John McCarthy), and an extended family of aunts, uncles, and cousins. Miles was preceded in death by her beloved grandfather (Mike Smith), whom she loved fiercely and without boundaries.


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