Barbara Ann Hubbard Hutchins

1945 - 2024

Barbara Ann Hubbard Hutchins passed away 9/2/24 after an illness she struggled with over the past year.
She was born in 1945 to Tommy & Evelyn Hubbard who preceded her in death along with two sisters,
Linda, and Margaret, and two brothers, Gene, and Tommy Jr. 
Barbara was married to Bobby, the love of her life and in 2014 they celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary. Bobby preceded her in death in 2016.
Barbara and Bobby started their family in 1966 with the birth of their daughter, Debbie, and again in 1971
when Jennifer was born.
Barbara and Bobby’s most favorite and cherished title was Memaw and Papa. Their souls were the most
alive during the times their grandkids, Travis, Weston, Kaylynn, and Hanson were growing up. Barbara
absolutely loved her great grandchildren, Avery, Penelope, and Negan, whom she was able to watch and
attend special events with them over the past several years.
Special friends, Judy, Chester, Ruth, Bernie, and Georgie were held close to Barbara’s heart, and she
enjoyed many good times with them.
Barbara adored her son in law Allen so much and would request only his help in her last few months alive
as he made her feel safe and gave her solace when caregiving for her.
Barbara will always be remembered for the way she loved and helped her family. She loved going out to
eat, shopping at the Farmer’s Market and traveling to South Carolina to visit her family. Linda and
Margaret meant the world to her. Her southern slang will be missed so much from “I swanee” to a “mess
of beans” and “I declare.” Dinner was always “supper. She provided so much warmth and love to her two
daughters and for that Debbie & Jennifer are forever grateful.
Rather than donations or flowers, our family ask that you pay it forward or enjoy a meal out with your

***A future date for a memorial cookout will be announced soon***


3 tributes for Barbara Ann Hubbard Hutchins

  1. kaylynn crews

    barbara was memaw to me, a friend, a shoulder to cry on and always an ear to listen. she made it known I could always come to her in time of need, if I was in trouble or just needed to talk, she never judged me or turned me away. she was the glue to this family and i’ll never forget my memories with her. I hit the grandparent jackpot and the time I spent with them will forever be a place in my heart. memaw had the most amazing laugh and smile, she touched everyone she met and to know her was to love her. she was one of the greatest people i’ve ever met and I strive to be like her. memaw I hope your resting peacefully and i’ll see you again one day, tell pawpaw I love him and to save a dance for me.

  2. Taunora Abrahams Abraham

    Thank you Barbara for always welcoming me. You always made me feel comfortable. I will miss our Facebook chats

  3. Gretchen Stumpf

    I am so sorry to hear about Barbara. She was a hoot and so fun to be around. She always made me feel welcome. I remember going to her house in k Vegas for dinner many times and she always treated me like family. I will cherish the memories ❤️❤️❤️


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